Part 1 Overall I thought my presentation was super good and I really did work hard on it and gave it all my all to deliver good interesting content. Based on the feedback I have received from my classmates majority of the feedback had to with trying to be a little bit more specific with my topic for the ACURA project. In this case it was maybe to focus more on a particular sport instead of looking at how VR simulations work in the world of sports. One specific sport would help get me to that small nesting doll that we have been doing for a while in class. Also there was a suggestion of maybe talking about how VR simulations would help athletes that are just coming off of injury. It would add more to the topic. Some say that I could projected my voice and spoke louder. Honestly I thought in my head that I was talking kind of loud, but I guess it was just in my head. Based off these suggestions I am thinking about doing a specific sport, but this is rather difficult because there isn’t ...